July 16, 2024

Project Start: Feasibility Study on the Wastewater Treatment System of the Uzhhorod City in Ukraine

Assignment Location: City of Uzhhorod, Ukraine
Client and Origin of Funding: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Beneficiary: City of Uzhhorod and the Communal Enterprise “Vodokanal m. Uzhhoroda”

Picture Source: Romankravchuk (own work)

A principal objective of the Assignment is to identify and justify an investment programme suitable for financing by the Bank. The proposed investment programme will then be further developed into a project design.

We will collect environmental, technical, economic, operational and institutional information, establishing a baseline for a wastewater project for the City of Uzhhorod and the Communal Enterprise “Vodokanal m. Uzhhoroda” can be structured.

Picture Source: Hydrophil / Bastian Schnabel

On 8 July 2024, the kick-off meeting was held, and from 15 to 19 2024, the project team visited Uzhhorod and successfully started the implementation of the following tasks:

  • Preparation of the Project Baseline and the Rationale;
  • Conduct a Technical Assessment and prepare the Project Design;
  • Analyse the Project Financially and Economically;
  • Implement an Environmental and Social Assessment;
  • Assess the Client;
  • Develop a Procurement and Contracting Strategy;
  • Evaluate the Project Risks;
  • Conduct Green Assessments in line with the Bank’s guidelines;
  • Align the Project with the Bank’s Mandate.

HYDROPHIL implements this critical project with a team of 14 experts. We are confident that this project will benefit the City of Uzhhorod, its people, and the ecological status of the River Uzh.