Development of the National Water Supply and Sanitation Program

Assignment location



The Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Management Unit (MIDPMU) – Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP) / The World Bank

HYDROPHIL supported the government of Tajikistan in developing a “national vision” for the water supply and sanitation sector. The consultant laid out the sector’s development trajectory with input from numerous sector stakeholders, achieving universal access to safely managed water supply and sanitation services.

The scope of the consulting services included:

  • The analysis of technical, legal, institutional, financial, economic and regulatory aspects of the water supply and sanitation sector, taking into account what has been accomplished to date by the Government of Tajikistan;
  • The implementation of a country-wide survey assessing the status and performance of water supply and sanitation services and identification of critical gaps and challenges in all four regions of Tajikistan, with 64 districts and 4,230 villages;
  • Addressing those gaps and challenges through a program of consistent measures formulated in a roadmap, considering the risks involved, financing mechanisms, and overall investment needs and identifying priority investment projects in the sector.

A political consensus was achieved around the medium (2021-2032) and indicative long-term (beyond 2032) development path. The ultimate outcome of this consultancy was the National Water Supply and Sanitation Programme until 2023, with a total investment of 948 million US dollars. The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources approved it.

Picture source: HYDROPHIL – Jens Liebelt